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Project area

The project area comprises the two Natura2000 areas of “Bienener Altrhein, Millinger and Hurler Meer and Empeler Meer” and “Grietherorter Altrhein” with a total area of approx. 1,120 ha. The two protected areas are directly connected to each other and form an extensive abandoned meander system of the rhine that is home to a large number of rare species of floodplain plants and animals.

In the north, the Natura2000 area “Bienener Altrhein, Millinger and Hurler Meer and Empeler Meer” and “Grietherorter Altrhein” borders the “Grietherorter Altrhein”. Only a small part of the area is in the Rhine flood plain. Due to their position in the dyke hinterland, the Millinger Sea, Hurler Sea and Empel Sea partial areas are cut off from this natural dynamics.

The Natura2000 area “Grietherorter Altrhein” lies to the north of Rees, on the eastern side of the Rhine in the dyke foreland. It is still largely subject to the flooding dynamics of the Rhine.

The project measures are largely taking place in the Natura2000 area “Bienener Altrhein, Millinger and Hurler Meer and Empeler Meer” and “Grietherorter Altrhein”. This area is therefore described in more detail on the next few pages.

The project is funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.